Wednesday, October 19, 2011

How to Get Your Ex Wife Back - The 7 Mistakes You Must Stop to Have Any Chance of Winning Her Back

In this article on how to get your wife back, we will cover the 7 fatal mistakes that 99% of men make, so that you don't have to make them. If you use the information in this article correctly, it can virtually put a leash on your ex wife's heart and pull her back into your arms - before it's too late.
OK, let's get right to it and do some damage control. Here are the 7 mistakes that cold, hard statistics tell us 99% of men make - and when they do, they lose ANY chance of reconciling with their ex wives. Afterwards, you'll be pointed to a wonderful resource that will help you make sure you say and do the right things to get her back with you for good:
The 7 Mistakes That Lets Your Ex Wife Know She's Made The Right Choice By Divorcing you:
  1. Giving your ex wife flowers and gifts: Believe it or not, flowers/gifts don't create attraction. To the contrary, it signals your ex wife that you're not good enough; you use flowers and gifts to hide your flaws.
  2. Using logic to make her come back: You can't argue yourself into a relationship. The heart is reactive - not logical.
  3. Behaving Overly nice to make her "see what she's missing": It takes friction to create sparks - you simply can't go along with everything your ex wife says/does and expect it to work out. Conflict makes things interesting, and a marriage without conflict/edge is boring.
  4. Keep saying "I love you" to get your ex wife back: Another perfect example of NOT how to get your ex wife back. It's an understandable impulse, but it ALWAYS comes off as needy in this situation, because you're not saying it just because you love her - you say it to try to get her back.
  5. Giving your ex wife all the power: Whatever you do, don't act like your life has ended if your wife leaves you. It does NOT show her how much you love her - it actually has a pretty high chance of making you look pathetic - depending on how long you choose to wallow in self sorrow.
  6. Giving up your self-respect: "Please come back, I'll do anything you want". This may work in the short run - you and your ex may become "sex mates" for a while, but only until someone else, with their self respect in check, comes along.
  7. Mis-reading her signals: There usually comes a moment when she actually is giving you an opportunity to get back together with her. It is, however, CRUCIAL to read her signals right, so that you know when this window is open - and how to respond like she's hoping you will. Mess this one up, and all hope is lost.

1 comment:

  1. My husband is back with the help of Dr. Okuns love spell, My Husband left me heartbroken, this made me sick and my problem became very difficult and it made me almost gave up but after the love spell from Dr. Okuns my relationship was restored instantly, I am happy that the outcome was fantastic and effective, only 2 days after Dr. Okuns started it all, i got result instantly today, my Husband is back with full of love and sincerity. Never in my life have I thought this would work so fast. My Husband reconcile with me and he has started acting completely different, we make love today, I feel happy once again, and like never before. It felt so good to have my husband back again, my daughter will be happy now Thanks to Dr. Okuns for your wonderful love spell done. Please email him if you need any help in your relationship: Or WhatApp/Call him on +2348078467513 You can also visit his website at: ( )
