Wednesday, October 19, 2011

He Doesn't Want a Relationship Right Now - How to Change His Mind So He'll Commit to You

When you're crazy about a man and he doesn't want a relationship right now it's going to leave you feeling confused and disappointed. Attraction can be a funny thing. You can spend hours upon hours with a man building up a connection and he'll suddenly tell you that he just isn't interested in anything exclusive with you because he wants to be single and available. At the same time, he's constantly calling you, pursuing you and is more than a little interested in intimacy with you. How do you handle this? If you're wild about him and you want him to make a commitment to you that he'll date you exclusively, can you make that happen? You actually can. Every woman has the power to subtly convince the man she desires to not only want a relationship with her, but a deeply connected one at that.
If he doesn't want a relationship right now and you do, you need to show him that you're not going to settle. Once a man has confidence in a woman's desire to be with him, her cards are all out in full view. He knows exactly what she's feeling and thinking and he knows that she's his for the taking anytime he pleases. If he's tested the waters by not calling you when he's promised or if he's ignored you for days at a time, and you're still willing to spend time with him, he's labeled you as caught and he knows he doesn't need to do anything else to keep you. Your are his in his eyes and if he's permitted to continue to go out and pursue other women while you sit idly by waiting for him to come back your way, he'll keep doing that over and over again. That's why you need to cut things off at the knees right now.
Pulling back when he doesn't want a relationship is your way of saying it's not good enough. If you know that he cares for you, he'll do whatever it takes to draw you closer again. Whenever a woman creates some distance and suddenly seems disinterested it's as if a match has been lit under her guy's desire. She instantly seems irresistible because she's unexpectedly not attainable anymore. If you have to walk away to get his attention, do it. Once he sees that you're not happy with the non relationship status that he wants, he'll reconsider getting more serious with you.

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